John Manes
Professional papers/presentations that Mr. Manes has authored, co-authored and/or presented are as follows:
- 1. Digital aeromagnetic anomaly data from eastern-most Guyana, 1995, Open File Report # OF 95-590. United States Geological Survey – Tucson, Arizona (co-author).
- 2. Deriving Alternative Discount Rate Periods, as a Method of Improving Mining/Mineral Interest Appraisal Accuracy, March 1, 2010. Presented at the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration Annual Meeting & Exhibit and the 100 Years of Mining Research Symposium. Phoenix, Arizona.
- 3. Appraisal Financial Data -> Proof, Check, Review, March 1, 2011. Presented at the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Annual Meeting & Exhibit and the CMA 113th National Western Mining Conference “Shaping a Strong Future Through Mining”. Denver, Colorado.
- 4. Permitting and Environmental Considerations Observed During Minerals Appraisals, February 21, 2012. Presented at the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Annual Meeting & Exhibit “Mine to Market, Now It’s Global”. Seattle, Washington (co-author).
- 5. Lessons Learned: Documentation and Recordkeeping on Appraisals Used for Conservation/Donation Purposes, February 26, 2013. Presented at the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Annual Meeting & Exhibit and CMA 115th National Western Mining Conference “Mining: It’s About The People”. Denver, Colorado.
- 6. The Different Types of Valuation Specialists in the Extractive Industries, February 25, 2014, Presented at the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Annual Meeting & Exhibit “Leadership in Uncertain Times”. Salt Lake City, Utah.
- 7. Mineral Estate Valuation: Considerations for Conservation Easements, March 4, 2015, Presented at the California Land Conservation Conference. Sacramento, California.
- 8. A Mineral Appraiser’s Perspective on Misconceptions and Issues Regarding Mineral Property Donation, October 4, 2018, Presented at the 33rd Annual Florida SME Regional Mining Conference. Lakeland, Florida.
Louis Posgate
Professional papers/presentations that LouPosgate has authored and/or presented are as follows:
- 1. Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, Tulsa, April, 1993, Appraisal Ethics
- 2. Oklahoma Tax Commission, October 1994 and Tulsa Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers, May 1995, Technical and Financial Considerations in Appraising Assets and Business Interests in Closely Held Oil and Gas Companies
- 3. IRS National Appraisal Technical Conference, September 17, 1997, Addressing Deficiencies in Internal Revenue Service Policies Governing Taxpayer Valuations of Real Estate, Personal Property, and Ownership Interests in Business Enterprises
- 4. American Society of Appraisers, Business Valuation Review, December, 2001, The Single- Period, Income Capitalization Approach To Valuing Mineral Royalties, pg. 42-43
- 5. American Society of Appraisers, Business Valuation Review, December, 2002, “Oil and Gas Federal Tax Case Review: Fair Market Values with Volatility”, pg. 182-185.
- 6. San Antonio Technology Accelerator Initiative, SATAI U., July 7, 2004, Thoughts Regarding Valuation Applications , a Valuation Lab seminar presentation to entrepreneurs
- 7. Texas Association of Business Brokers, “Preparing for a Private Business Transaction – Business Valuation Perspective”, 2/28/2006, San Antonio Chapter.
- 8. The Income Approach: Methods of Royalty & Leasehold Interest Appraisal and Issues, and Problems in Federal Tax Cases © 2011 LRP Business Appraisal, 2011 SME Annual Meeting & Colorado Mining Assoc.
- 9. Correct Calculation Of The Alternate Valuation Date Fair Market Value, 115th National Western Mining Conference Denver, CO Feb 26, 2013© 2/2013 LRPBA
- 10. Income Approach: Lease Bonus and DCF Analog Well Methods of Royalty and Leasehold Appraisals2013 SME Annual Meeting & Colorado Mining Assoc. 115th National Western Mining Conference, Denver, CO, Feb 26, 2013© 2/2013 LRPBA
Examples of Louis Posgate Presentations:
- Oil and Gas Presentation Excerpt