Report Purposes
In the past decade alone, we have prepared approximately 455 professional mineral valuation and consulting reports, related to just over 1,000 mineral and mineral business related interests for over 970 different properties located throughout North America
Our valuation and consulting reports have been prepared for a wide variety of purposes, including, but not limited to:
- Acquisition or Sale
- Appraisal Review
- Bankruptcy
- Business Valuation
- Condemnation/Eminent Domain
- Charitable Contribution
- Damages
- Diligence/Feasibility
- Estate, Gift and Income Taxes
- Estate, Probate or Trusts
- Geological
- Geospatial
- Investments
- Leases
- Lending
- Litigation
- Market Research
- Market Survey
- Resources/Reserves
- Stock Valuation
- Taxes
Fieldwork and research conducted during these projects have included reviewing numerous financial and operating statements, deeds and leases, and visiting thousands of mineral properties throughout North America.