Speciality Trained Professionals At MVS

John J. Manes, CMA, CPG, PG
President at Mineral Valuation Specialists
Certified Minerals Appraiser
Certified Professional Geologist
Registered Professional Geologist
- B.Sc.in Geosciences (Geology) – University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- B.Sc.in Agriculture (Major: Soil and Water Science) – University of Arizona
John J. Manes is the President, Senior Geologist and lead Minerals Appraiser/Valuer of Mineral Valuation Specialists.
John is highly experienced in the valuation (appraisal) of minerals and mineral businesses. His background also includes Geology (Exploration, Mineral Resources, Structural and Environmental) and Soils (Taxonomy, Chemistry, Physics and Research).
He has Twenty years of mineral related Appraisal/Valuation experience including: appraisal/valuations, consulting, research, market research, production, producers, statistics, usage, pricing, business evaluations and appraisal, mergers & acquisitions, feasibility, evaluations, economics and trial/expert witness services.
He also has Twenty-seven years of geological experience including: drilling, geotechnical investigations, field studies, geological mapping, geological interpretations, soil/aggregate and geological classifications, sampling, problem solving, scientific analyses, scientific research, mathematical and physical computations, cartography, geospatial and 3-dimensional data modeling, resource/reserves/volumetric calculations, expert testimony, technical and geological report preparation.
John has extensive expert witness/testimony experience, including trial and litigation experience in various city, county, state and federal courts:
• City Circuit Court
• County Court of Law
• County Board of Equalization Hearings
• State Division of Administrative Hearings
• State Office of Administrative Courts
• Superior Court (3 Jurisdictions)
• Judicial Circuit Courts (10 Jurisdictions)
• United States District Court (6 Jurisdictions)
• United States Bankruptcy Court
• United States Tax Court
John’s mineral commodity experience is very extensive and includes, but is not limited to, the following mineral commodities:
• Construction Materials (e.g. aggregates, sand and gravel, crushed stone, dimension stone, decorative rock, gypsum, concrete, asphalt)
• Industrial Minerals (experienced with over 45 types of “common” and “uncommon” industrial minerals) and Specialty Minerals (e.g. “frac sand”, rare earth elements, barite, lime, zirconium)
• Base & Precious Metals (e.g. gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead, iron ore)
• Oil & Gas (feasibility consulting)
John belongs to the following professional organizations:
• American Institute of Professional Geologists (AIPG)
• American Society of Appraisers (ASA)
• Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM)
• Geological Society of America (GSA)
• International Institute of Minerals Appraisers (IIMA)
• Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration (SME)
• Society of Economic Geologists (SEG)
He served as the President of the International Institute of Minerals Appraisers for Years 2014-2017. He is a participant of the International Mineral Valuation Standards Committee, and a committee member of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration Valuation Standards Committee. He is also a member of multiple appraisal and geological societies.
John’s previous work experience includes working as a consulting geologist, a Senior Project Manager for reclamation and engineering firms, and research positions with the United States Geological Survey and the University of Arizona.